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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Trending News World

Roberto Carlos's live is this Sunday; learn how to watch the show

Astro celebrates 79 years with presentation aligned to the wave of internet transmissions

Carlos Macedo / Agencia RBS

The singer Roberto Carlos will make a live broadcast this Sunday, at 7:45 pm, in celebration of his 79 years and joining the wave of lives motivated by the social distance forced by the coronavirus . Initially scheduled to be broadcast only on YouTube, the presentation will also be broadcast on television. 
The public will be able to follow the complete show through the star's YouTube channel , which is expected to last 45 minutes, and also on Globoplay . According to Globo, Domingão do Faustão will show the first two songs live during the program.

During the show, the public will be able to join the Para Quem Donar chain , a platform created by Globo that brings together projects from institutes, foundations, entities and social movements that are working and need support to minimize the impacts of the pandemic.


To avoid agglomerations, villages cancel Indian Day actions

Villages have also adopted security measures to contain the coronavirus

Traditionally celebrated on April 19, this year's Indian Day will be different in many villages. To avoid agglomerations, the Bananal village, of the Terena ethnic group, will spend the year without the great commemoration ceremony that they do every year.

Maricelma Francelino is part of the village community and remembers fondly the Indian Day of last year. “Last year was certainly one of the best. In 2019, since the 1st of April, the week of festivities began, both at the municipal school and at the state school, and together we began the rehearsals of the dances for the big day, in this case the 19th of April ”, he remembers fondly.
The celebration tradition in her village is not only on April 19, but throughout the month. But “due to the pandemic, it didn't have the traditional cultural month and neither will the Indian's day, which would be this Sunday, the 19th”, he laments.

Understanding the coronavirus is still an ongoing issue in many villages in MS. But for the indigenous and biomedicine student, the Bananal community is already able to understand the seriousness of the pandemic. “The chief here at Aldeia Bananal Célio Fialho has already gone over and talked to the community together with a doctor and some other health professionals who work here at UBSF and the residents have understood that it is a serious thing and we have to respect it for the sake of our health ”, Says Maricelma.

Regarding the security measures that were taken in the village, she says that there is now a barrier at the entrance, to control entry and exit. “Residents can leave the village, but by car, for example, only three people can go, being obliged to return until 7 pm, because at 8 pm it is the curfew time”, he explains.


Check your horoscope for this Sunday (19/04)

Check your horoscope for this Sunday (19/04)

Aries is one of the most dynamic signs of the Zodiac. They like a lot of action and, above all, they like quick decisions. They are impatient and hate to be late. This means that they feel good under conditions that, at first glance, can seem highly stressful. They always try to be where there is excitement and are happy when there is a lot going on.

Who was born today

It will be easy for bureaucratic work, due to its tenacity. It is rare to find someone born on this day concerned with a very intense social life. They are always in contact with the family. It is intense, affective and proud.


Pisceans spend Sunday on alert, and the indication is routine. If you can take the day to rest and replenish your energy. Do not get into arguments with your emotional partner or family. Slightly low health. Neutral travel.

Aries - They are entrepreneurs and like to go their own way and get angry when asked. Sometimes, a little childishness can hide a feeling of inadequacy behind the apparent self-confidence. C. 351 M. 4609

Taurus - It has a very sharp sense of touch and taste. Its action is slow, concentrated and calm, seeking practical results. They take responsibility with firmness and seriousness. C. 574 M. 732

Gemini - Language is very important, as they are always open to knowledge. They have ease of expression and inventive imagination are professionals indicated for the areas of sales and teaching. C. 932 M. 5784

Cancer - These natives have a good deal of diplomacy, and are masters in the art of passive resistance. But when hurt they have a hard time collaborating with others and become inaccessible. C. 490 M. 9117

Leo - Professionally, Leos work well in positions of responsibility, command and administration. They can work in areas related to politics, stock exchange, public relations and pedagogy. C. 063 M. 8452

Virgo - Learning comes from living. As they are very practical, they can have a narrow view of life, and are unable to talk about anything other than their job. C. 687 M. 2243

Libra - Libras feel a great need for companionship and only then do they feel fulfilled. However, they need to maintain their own individuality within the structure of their relationships. C. 615 M. 0978

Scorpio - Regeneration and degeneration pull you to opposite sides in constant battle. That is why they always oscillate between taking the path of elevation or taking the path of degeneration, destroying themselves by it. C. 207 M. 6813

Sagittarius - Sagittarians are usually gregarious, enthusiastic, honest, and often naive. On the other hand, they can be agitated, carefree, careless and extravagant. C. 842 M. 1694

Capricorn - They like law and order and tend to be dogmatic. They dominate practical matters, and are never discouraged by the things that make it difficult to climb to the top. C. 156 M. 7260

Aquarius - They like to express their knowledge and feel at ease in a circle of friends. Their gregarious instinct will always lead them to where there are people, or people will come to them. C. 429 M. 8501

Pisces - They can be greatly influenced by external factors. They tend not to be very combative, and their aversion to effort can make them indecisive to think and also to act. C. 798 M. 3035


ONE WORLD: TOGETHER AT HOME“One World”: Jennifer Lopez presents the classic “People”, known in the voice of Barbra Streisand

The “One World: Together At Home” festival has just completed just over seven hours on the air. Who also chose a classic of American music was Jennifer Lopez, who presented “People”, a famous song recorded by Barbra Streisand in the 1960s.

About “One World: Together at Home”:
Conceived by Lady Gaga, the festival “One World: Together At Home” will bring together a grand cast of music stars and celebrities in an event totally online and will have all the support of major Brazilian broadcast platforms. Stay tuned on the POPline Portal to follow our coverage!


Latest coronavirus news from April 19

Europe has passed the 100,000 death mark and has more than 1 million cases; South Korea reports new infections from people who have healed from Covid-19 and the government is studying relaxation from part of the restrictions. Russia has a record high of confirmed cases.

April 19: Graffiti by French artist Zabou shows another artist, BK Foxx, wearing a protective mask against Covid-19 in East London, UK.  Europe surpassed the 100,000 dead by Covid-19 on Sunday.  - Photo: Glyn Kirk / AFP

This Sunday (19), Europe surpassed the mark of 100 thousand deaths by Covid-19 , a disease caused by the new coronavirus. More than 1 million infections have been reported on the continent, according to a survey by the American Johns Hopkins University .

In South Korea , another 16 people who had recovered from the coronavirus and were released from quarantine again tested positive for the infection, according to the government. This means that 179 people in total had a new positive test after they were released from quarantine . The authorities are investigating what can explain these infections.

ILLUSTRATED GUIDE: symptoms, transmission and prevention
VIDEO SERIES: coronavirus, questions and answers
In Chile , the number of cases reached 10,000 this Sunday, the third highest number in Latin America - behind only Brazil and Peru . The country had already announced that it plans to deliver, as of Monday (20), a "discharge card" of the coronavirus for patients recovered and without symptoms for 14 days.

In the United States , university monitoring points to more than 39,000 deaths from the disease , with 735,287 cases, the highest number in the world. The number of deaths is also the highest for a single country across the globe.

Despite this, the country's president, Donald Trump, said on Saturday (18) that the worst moment of the pandemic on American soil has passed . "We continue to see a number of positive signs that the virus peak has passed," he said.
Clues show that peak coronavirus pandemic has passed in the U.S., says Trump

Since Friday (17), citizens of the state of New York have been forced to wear masks in public. The state has the highest number of cases in the USA: in New York City alone, there are more than 13,000 records.

The global number of coronavirus deaths reached 161,330 people, according to the Johns Hopkins count. There are more than 2.3 million cases worldwide.

In Brazil, the latest balance of cases from the Ministry of Health , on Saturday (18), pointed to 2,347 deaths and 36,599 confirmed cases .

The largest number of cases is in São Paulo: the state has 13,894 cases and 991 deaths. Next comes Rio de Janeiro, with 4,543 cases and 387 deaths.

The island of Fernando de Noronha, in Pernambuco, has the highest rate of cases in Brazil .

Cases and deaths by Covid-19 in Brazil until 04/18

B.C 142 5
AL 132 7
AM 1897 161
AP 393 10
BA 1193 37
CE 3034 176
DF 762 24
ES 952 28
GO 378 18
BAD 1040 44
MG 1077 39
MS 161 5
MT 171 5
PAN 640 33
PB 205 26
PE 2193 205
PI 123 9
PR 945 46
RJ 4,543 387
RN 516 24
RO 110 3
RR 201 3
LOL 831 24
SC 962 31
SE 71 5
SP 13,894 991
TO 33 1
TOTAL 36,599 2,347
Source: Ministry of Health
Quarantine relaxation
Some countries have already adopted measures to relax the quarantine. In Denmark , nursery schools through elementary school reopened this week. In Albania , the government plans to reopen the mining and oil industries on Monday (20), according to the newspaper "The Guardian".

South Korea's Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun has announced relaxation of some measures of social detachment - churches will no longer need to be closed and football matches can be held without an audience. As of May 6, if the situation in the country remains stable, a "routine social detachment" should be adopted, according to the prime minister.

The country registered 8 new cases of coronavirus on Saturday (18), the first time that less than 10 new daily infections have been reported on Korean soil since February 18. In all, 234 people died from Covid-19 in South Korea.

In Zimbabwe , the quarantine was extended for another two weeks. The president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, said the country still does not meet the conditions proposed by WHO to suspend the measure.

In Spain , the government plans to request a new quarantine extension, until May 9. According to the government's proposal, children up to 12 years of age will be able to leave home, in a punctual manner, from April 27. The prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, announced that the relaxation of the measures will be done gradually, by zones, based on the level of contagion of each one, reported "El País".
With 20,453 deaths, Spain is the second country in Europe with the most deaths from the pandemic, and the third in the world. In the last 24 hours, 410 people died from Covid-19 on Spanish soil.

In the UK, the government has also stated that it is not considering suspending the quarantine.

Still in European territory, Russia recorded a record increase of 6,060 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number to 42,853, reported the Russian center for response to the coronavirus crisis. According to Hopkins, the country has 361 deaths.

In Hungary , Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said he expected the pandemic to peak in the country on 3 May.

The National Health Commission of China registered 16 new confirmed cases of coronavirus late Saturday night (18), the lowest number since March 17 and below 27 the previous day, according to data published on Sunday (19). No new deaths were reported.

Of the new cases, 9 were imported infections, the lowest since March 13. The remaining 7 confirmed cases were transmitted locally, down from 10 the previous day. The newly discovered asymptomatic cases were 44, down from 54 the previous day. Three of the new cases were imported, according to the health commission.

The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country reached 82,735, while the total number of deaths from the virus was 4,632, according to the government.

One World Festival: Together At Home

Lady Gaga - One World Festival - Photo: Playback / Globoplay

After the broadcast of the One World: Together At Home festival this Saturday (18), the NGO Global Citizen and the singer Lady Gaga announced on Sunday (19) on social networks that US $ 127.9 million were raised .

According to the organization, the funds will be used to support health professionals who are fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.

One World Festival: Together At Home; PHOTOS
The event, a partnership with the World Health Organization ( WHO ) and curated by singer Lady Gaga , was broadcast by Globoplay, Globo and Multishow . The aim was to encourage people to stay in their homes during social isolation because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Other highlights of this Sunday
In Iran , the death toll reached 5,118 this Sunday, according to the government. There are 82,211 cases in the country.
Thailand registered 32 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to 2,765, but with no deaths; the country has 47 victims so far.
Philippines recorded 12 new deaths from coronavirus and 172 infections; The country has 6,259 confirmed cases and 409 deaths.
Indonesia confirmed 47 more deaths, bringing the total number of victims to 582; the country has 6,575 confirmed cases of the disease.
Colombia has more than 3,600 cases of coronavirus and 166 deaths.
Deaths in Mexico reach 650, with 104 new victims.
Honduras adds 472 infected and 46 deaths from coronavirus.

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