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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Trending News Germany

Corona mask requirement in Bavaria: When? Where can I buy the face mask? Where do I have to wear it?

The first restrictions in the wake of the Corona crisis are being reduced. At the same time, new measures are being taken. What about the obligation to wear a mask in Bavaria?

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In Germany, the first measures in the corona crisis * are having an impact.
As the next step, Bavaria, like Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, is introducing a nationwide mask requirement.
This regulation applies to shops and public transport from April 27.
Here you will find our guide to reporting and the Corona News from Germany . You can also find the current number of cases in Bavaria as a map *. The following recommendations for corona protective measures * are currently available .
Munich - This time Markus Söder was only number three in Germany after his Saxon counterpart Michael Kretschmer and the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig. However , the Bavarian father did not waste much time on the subject of the obligation to wear a mask , and announced the next restriction in the Corona crisis for all citizens in the Free State in his government statement on Monday (April 20) . It is a further step after the exit restriction implemented more than a month ago and the now partially relaxed closings of various shops and businesses.

At the same time, the regulation, which was probably pushed on the initiative of free voters as a government partner of Söder's CSU, will cause uncertainty among numerous citizens . In the end it was always said that there was a lack of protective masks due to the immense increase in demand in Germany and even worldwide . Even the medical staff, who come into direct contact with Corona patients, had to fear that they could not be adequately protected due to the bottleneck. And suddenly everyone of the 13 million Bavarians should be able to cover their mouths and noses?

So there are many questions associated with this innovation - even if the public image has already been shaped by people wearing masks in the past few days and weeks . Here we provide the most important answers.

Corona face mask: When does the mask requirement apply in Bavaria?
The deadline is Monday, April 27th . Until then, a "mouth protection requirement" applies. The German government has so far strongly advised to wear an appropriate mask. However, Söder does not go far enough: "Appeals alone will probably not be the necessary safeguard ."

The CSU boss explained the start date of the regulation at the time the shops opened - the new regulation coincided with this relaxation. However, the truth should also include that an immediate introduction of the mask requirement would be difficult to enforce , because not every citizen can equip himself with mouth and nose protection from now on.

Corona face mask: do we always have to wear a mask when leaving our four walls?
No, this regulation is initially limited to all shops and public transport . This means that every time you shop or use a bus or train, your mouth and nose must be covered. On the other hand, it is still allowed to stay outside without a mask . Provided you have a valid reason - such as going for a walk, jogging or cycling.

Corona crisis: where can I buy the protective masks?
Pharmacies and the medical supply trade have corresponding products in their program. However, it is questionable whether sufficient supply can be ensured due to the high demand. As an alternative, online mail order companies can be used. In addition, more and more tailors are offering self-made masks.

A mouth-and-nose protection in-house production - in the video we explain the instructions - could also serve. Some citizens have helped themselves in the past few days with the combination of a handkerchief and rubber bands. In his speech, Söder explicitly pointed out that a commercially available scarf and everyday masks  could also be used. Ultimately, the point is that the airways are covered to prevent infection. With most commercially available masks, it is the case that the wearer does not protect himself, but his fellow human beings.

Corona crisis: can I also use a tubular scarf or a multifunctional cloth?
This can be assumed. Even if it must be emphasized that Söder did not explicitly speak of a tubular scarf or a multifunctional scarf as an alternative. Ultimately, these two utensils can also meet the requirements if used correctly. The simple and simple are: cover your mouth and nose . If this is guaranteed, nothing should speak against the use of a tubular scarf or a multifunctional cloth .

In Jena, the first German city with a mask requirement, scarves and shawls are expressly allowed. It says: "Every mask is better than no mask at all." Why should it be different in Bavaria?

The renowned virologist Christian Drosten had already brought round scarves or scarves into discussion as possible protective measures weeks ago . The face masks currently in demand on the world market can thus be left to those who regularly expose themselves to the risk of infection due to their work : doctors, nurses and nurses.

Corona crisis: What should you watch out for when wearing the mask?
It is important that the mouth and nose are covered so that saliva and droplets are caught directly . In addition, the wearer should not tug on his mask, as this increases the risk of spreading the virus on his own hands.

It is entirely possible to wear a protective mask - even if you produce it yourself -  more often *. The “ARD” daily show quotes Bernd Salzberger, an infectiologist at the Regensburg University Hospital, that it is sufficient to wash or iron the protective equipment at 60 degrees .

Corona crisis: What are the penalties if the mask requirement is not observed?
Nothing is known about that yet. The first measures are likely to be a referral from the shop or bus or train , if a citizen should enter without a protective mask. However, it is also likely that people without a mask will be denied access - access has been checked in front of grocery stores * in the past few weeks in order not to let the number of customers in the sales area get out of hand. After all, the safety distance should always be maintained - this will not change even with the introduction of the mask requirement.

We also offer info articles on transmission routes * of the virus, feared late effects * and possible medications
Chancellor Angela Merkel criticizes a discussion and attacks her colleagues. A summer vacation in Austria appears to be possible.

Many now take the relaxation of the exit restriction as an opportunity to go for a walk in the public parks. However, a photo of a walking path causes misunderstanding for many, because the minimum distance looks different . 


Dax gains - but recovery loses momentum


After an up and down in the course of the day on the German stock market, the Dax closed in plus. However, the leading index was unable to fully match the strong recovery on Friday.

It closed 0.47 percent higher at 10,675.90 points. The companies will publish their quarterly reports in the coming weeks. Investors then hope for more clarity about the forecasts for the rest of the year. The MDax of medium-sized stocks also rose by 0.47 percent to 22,460.84 points.

The Dax had recovered from the low in mid-March by almost 30 percent. "As fast as the relative recovery came, it could be over quickly," wrote strategist Michael Winkler from the St. Gallen Cantonal Bank. The renewed slump in oil prices is a signal that confidence in a recovery of the markets is being lost. The consequences of the corona crisis are likely to occupy the markets much longer than some market players have expected and hoped for.

Among the individual stocks in the Dax, such shares posted price gains that are considered attractive in times of crisis thanks to comparatively stable earnings. Papers by the dialysis specialist FMC rose by 3.9 percent and those by the parent company Fresenius by 2.2 percent. Shares in the pharmaceutical and chemical group Merck KGaA gained 2.5 percent.

By contrast, stocks in the automotive industry, which is clearly the loser of the global pandemic, were again weaker. Papers from BMW, Daimler and Continental lost up to 2.2 percent. It didn't help that Daimler started production again after the production shutdown.

Strong orders from Philips drove medical technology stocks: Siemens Healthineers' shares in the MDax increased by 2.9 percent. The titles of the laboratory equipment supplier Sartorius even went up by 6.5 percent to a record high. Drägerwerk shares gained 4.2 percent in the SDax.

Electronics retailer Ceconomy suffered a loss from the closure of many stores in the wake of the pandemic in the second quarter. Ceconomy wants to counteract this with savings. The price fell 3.1 percent.

The Eurozone leading index EuroStoxx 50 advanced by 0.73 percent to 2909.50 points. The London FTSE 100 closed up 0.45 percent, while the French leading index Cac 40 rose slightly more strongly by 0.65 percent. The US leading index Dow Jones Industrial was down one percent at the European market close.

The euro found no clear direction. The European common currency cost $ 1.0870 in the evening. The European Central Bank (ECB) had previously set the reference rate at 1.0860, unchanged on Friday.

In the German bond market, the Rex index rose by 0.09 percent to 144.96 points. In return, the current yield fell from minus 0.47 percent on Friday to minus 0.48 percent. In the evening, the Bund Future was down 0.22 percent at 172.31 points.


Zoomed out? Security and privacy issues with popular video chat app


Within a few weeks, the number of Zoom users rose from 10 million to 200 million per day
Due to the corona crisis, the software was no longer only used for corporate conferences etc., but also for private video chats such as birthday parties and meetings of friends ...
After massive security gaps have become known, companies and institutions advise against using them
It's so simple: my cousin invited me over the weekend. I got a link, clicked on it and a short time later I was connected to the “half family” - digital family reunion in Corona times easily implemented with just a few clicks. The “technical partner” for many of these private meetings has been the software of the video conference app Zoom in the past few weeks. Your advantage: The absolute ease of use. Even newcomers to videoconferencing could easily connect and confer with each other - a real eye-opening experience for many.

Who's Zoom?
Zoom Video Communications is an American company based in San Jose, California. It was founded in 2011 by the American billionaire Eric Yuan. From the beginning, Zoom offered software for video conferences (up to 1,000 participants), long-distance conferences and video chats. In the USA, Zoom is used particularly in distance learning at universities and schools. With the start of the Corona pandemic, user numbers in this area in the United States have increased immensely.

Where is the problem?
In summer 2019 it became known that Mac users were automatically "pushed in" a web server when downloading the software. With the help of this software, third parties could anonymously access the camera of the affected devices . The application remained active even when the zoom app was deleted. Apple responded with an update that deleted all components.

In addition, it became known that personal data was forwarded to Facebook without the users knowing about it. Another accusation: the supposedly secure and already advertised end-to-end encryption turned out to be more of a marketing measure . The encryption method was assessed as inadequate.

User data sold on the Darknet
Last week, 500,000 zoom account records were offered on the Darknet . In the Techbriefing podcast by Media Pioneer (minutes 2.50ff.), Internet expert Richard Gutjahr asked ironically, "How can you ruin your former good reputation in such a short time that Facebook looks like a consumer protection organization?"

Uninvited visit - zoom bombing
Zoom bombing is a phenomenon that Zoom had (had) to struggle with. It describes the possibility that completely strangers suddenly appear in the virtual conference and chat rooms. The consequences can not only be annoying but also dangerous. In the United States, for example, "services and school hours were interrupted with racist scolding or showing Nazi symbols". This was possible if the organizers of an online meeting had set up their meeting without a password and waiting room.

What does zoom say?
"If we mess it up again, that's it," founder Eric Yuan said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal . He has therefore announced a series of measures and changes. Teams of programmers should take care of the security vulnerabilities and resolve them. Zoom bombing should be prevented, for example, with password protection for the meetings and with a virtual waiting room.

On the other hand, users should be able to choose where the servers they want their video meetings to be located in the future. Zoom wants to implement the numerous measures within 90 days. Until then, customers can have their questions answered personally by the Zoom boss. He is regularly online on Wednesdays in “Ask Eric anything webinars”. The recording of the first session can be found on the Zoom blog as well as the option to register for the next talk this Wednesday.

Are there any alternatives?
Yes, the well-known, large American companies such as Google, Microsoft or Facebook all offer alternative solutions for different sizes and purposes.
The magazine t3n compared nine services and their scope of services , a very user-friendly overview of services can also be found on the comparison platform GetApp . According to the star , German data protection experts do not recommend these services, "but instead rely on open-source programs", that is, services for which the source text is public. BigBlueButton, a project of the Canadian Carlton University, is mentioned by name. Other open source services include Nextcloud Talk and Jitsi Meet.   
And if you still want to use Zoom, you should take care not to download the app, but only to use Zoom via the browser. The add-on "Zoom Redirector" helps with this. The technology magazine Chip has compiled the download as well as tips on activation and use .


Briefly informed: DHL, Alibaba, Instagram, Australia

Our weekday news overview summarizes the most important news of the day in a nutshell.

Briefly informed: DHL, Alibaba, Instagram, Australia

Deutsche Post continues to strive for Sunday delivery
Deutsche Post DHL continues to endeavor to deliver packages on Sundays in the corona pandemic . For this purpose, the company has already submitted corresponding applications to the authorities in regions such as Berlin and is now considering applications in other federal states, reports the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung . The company currently transports eight million parcels and parcels a day. That is far above the annual average of 5.2 million parcels per delivery day. Around 400 employees were on the move in Munich last Sunday to deliver more than 50,000 parcels to private households, as announced by DHL. The Bavarian Ministry of Labor had given a corresponding permit.

Alibaba in Amazon's footsteps
The Chinese internet company Alibaba will invest a lot of money in the fast growing cloud business in the coming years . Overall, the Amazon competitor plans to spend the equivalent of just over 26 billion euros in expanding the division over three years, the company said. The Chinese group wants to increase the number of data centers in order to be able to offer the cloud offerings in even more countries. In addition, part of the investment should flow into the expansion of technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Embedding Instagram posts is not a copyright infringement
US photographers have no control over website operators who embed photos posted by the photographers on Instagram in their respective websites . By opening an account on Instagram, the Facebook subsidiary is allowed to license publicly posted content to third parties. Thus, there is no copyright infringement when embedding a photo via Instagram. This is the result of a decision by the US District Court for South New York.

Google and Facebook should share advertising revenue with the press
To help the press financially, Australia has other plans than Europe: Australia's government wants Facebook and Google to commit part of their advertising revenue to media companies in the country . In addition, more transparency for ranking algorithms, access to user data and the handling of online messages should be regulated. Penalties for non-compliance with the requirements should also be laid down by law.


Microsoft Teams: Over 30 "Star Wars" wallpapers thanks to Disney

04/20/2020, 1:43 pm Microsoft Teams celebrates a real wave of success in Corona times. Everywhere in the home offices of this world people take part in conferences and video chats. Disney now offers "Star Wars" backgrounds.

as home office is on everyone's lips, terms such as home office or mobile office flood the language almost inflationary. And because many employees currently have to work in their own four walls (or rather: may), Microsoft will become teamsincreasingly important. The tool enables appointments, meetings and chats in individual groups. There the participants share files or talk to colleagues. That happens in the - attention, a suddenly used vocabulary - calls, which often take place via video. But if you don't want your colleagues to intrude on your own privacy, Disney has now provided more than 30 "Star Wars" wallpapers. So that your colleagues do not see the casually dressed partner prancing around or be distracted by the sweetly playing offspring, make yourself a Jedi Knight now. COMPUTER BILD shows how to change the desktop background during video chats with teams to the Star Wars backdrop. So stay calm, young Padawan!

Microsoft Teams: Use Star Wars You have to
Here's how: Open Disney's "Stars Wars" screen wallpaper . Select one of the images, click on it to open it in full resolution. Then save the image on your device. You then have to save this image in the folders described below.
If you have a Windows PC, you have to manually insert an image in the following path in Explorer: % AppData% \ Microsoft \ Teams \ Backgrounds \ Uploads . If you have saved your background image here, select it in the background settings. If you are using a Mac, you can find the same folder via the Finder: In the top bar, hold down the Alt key while selecting Go , and the Library folder will appear . Click on it. Click through the ApplicationSupport / Microsoft / Teams / Backgrounds / Uploads folder and save an individual picture. If you have teams installed on mobile devices, your own uploaded image will not be synchronized with this trick.
Once you are in the video chat, you have the option of uploading the saved image to teams by clicking on More Options and Background Effects (or with the MacBook directly on the background icon).
Microsoft Teams: The Best Tips
You can find even more useful and fun tips about teams in the best tips for Microsoft Teams . This way you can quickly get to grips with the sometimes somewhat cumbersome program. But there is also something for professionals!


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