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Saturday, May 9, 2020

18 Beauty Tips For Summer You Need To Know RN

Summers bring with it fun days. The short and striking clothes, the bright hues, the outdoor activities, and all kinds of foods and drinks to try. All these make summers the best time of the year. If only the scorching heat of the summers was not such a huge damper. Summers brings with it the sweating, acne, pigmentation, sunburns, hair fall, greasy hair, make-up horrors and so much more. The high temperature and heat waves of summer can be a real spoiler for our beauty. And we are often too late to recognise the damage. The sudden breakouts, irritated skin and the rashes are the initial signs of the terror of summer.

Hold on! All is not lost. You can still make your summers fun and amazing. We have curated a list of some important beauty tips for summer that will ensure that you look beautiful and sassy all summer long.

Cleanse Thoroughly

Sweating is common during summers. Face, underarms and the back of the knees are the most sweat-prone areas. Sweating is bad news for your skin pores. The skin pores already attract a lot of dirt and pollution during the summers and the sweat adds to that and clogs the pores. And that leads to skin issues such as acne and breakouts thus ruining your beauty. To that effect, cleansing becomes very important during the summers. It wipes the grime off your face and refreshes it. To get a thorough cleansing, use a gentle cleanser to cleanse your face twice a day-once in the morning and once before going to bed. If you have extremely oily skin, you can do a double-cleansing routine in the morning.

Moisturise Regularly

Moisturising is one of the most important steps in your skincare. Even in summers. You might think that keeping the skin moisturised is only important during winters. You can not be more wrong. Sweating and excessive oil does not account for moisturising. The hot and humid air of the summers makes your skin dry. Add the constant exposure to the air conditioners, your skin loses its natural glow and smooth texture. Keep your skin moisturised during the summers. If the normal moisturiser makes your skin too oily, get a water-based light moisturiser.

Exfoliate To Fight Off Skin Demons

Clogged pores are one of the most common skin issues that you will face in summers. And cleansing is not enough to unclog the skin pores. Your skin needs something extra. Your skin needs exfoliation. Exfoliate once or twice a week to bring back the glow and smoothness to your face.

Pro tip: Use a scrub with smaller granules to exfoliate. It is less harsh on the skin.

Take Sun Protection Seriously

Sun is the worst enemy of your skin. And during summers it is at its best. Overexposure to sun leads to premature signs of skin ageing, dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Most of us take sun protection lightly or are too lazy to put on sunscreen before stepping out. This is a grave mistake that you will regret deeply. Protect your skin from the summer sun by applying sunscreen every time you step out of the sun.

Shift Gears To Non-Comedogenic Products

Keeping the skin pores healthy and unclogged is important to maintain your natural glow. The warm of the summer makes your skin oily and sweaty, and causes clogged pores. To keep your pores unclogged, get products(both skincare and make-up) that are non-comedogenic. Non-comedogenic products are those that do not block your skin pores. This tip as simple as switching your products can do a lot for your beauty.

Drink As Much Water As You Can

Summer season demands you to notch up your liquid intake. Drink lots and lots of water. It will not only keep your cool but also make your skin healthy and radiant by flushing out the toxins from your system. Drink 3-4 litres of water every day. You can also add cool drinks such a lemon water, coconut water, buttermilk etc. to jazz up your liquid intake and keep your skin healthy.

Give Heavy And Hot Foods A Break

They say what you put inside your body reflects on the outside. Summers make your skin greasy. Eating heavy, oily and hot foods will make your skin sweat more and also produce more oil. Maintain a light diet in the summers to avoid the oiliness and breakouts. You might have also heard people detoxing during the summer. Give it a try. It is a great way to rejuvenate your body and skin.

Get A Lip Balm With SPF

As the weather takes a warm turn, our lips become dry and chapped. This is not just because of the warm air, exposure to the sun is also responsible for the damage to our lips. And chapped and split lips do not exactly enhance our appearance. There is a quick fix for that. Get a lip balm with an SPF. It will keep your lips moisturised as well as sun-protected.

Grade Up Your Shampoo

Is your shampoo equipped to handle the summer month and all the challenges it brings? The hot temperature of the summers causes your scalp to produce more oil and sweat. If not washed properly, it can build-up on your scalp. The shampoo we think will help in cleaning our scalp is often infused with chemicals that also build up on your scalp. This invites itchiness, irritation and dandruff. A great tip to prevent that is to upgrade your shampoo and switch to more natural and organic alternatives. Trust us, you will find many in the market.

Deep Condition

Summers make your hair dry and destroy the texture of your hair. If you have curly hair, good luck with the frizz. Deep conditioning adds the much-needed moisture in your hair and helps you tackle this issue of dry and frizzy summer hair.

An easy way to deep condition your hair is to give them an oil treatment. Warm a cup of olive oil or coconut oil and apply the oil on your scalp and all the way down to the tips of your hair. Leave it on for 1-2 hours before washing it off using a gentle shampoo.

Jazz Up Your Hairstyle

The oil and sweat produced in your scalp during summers make your scalp greasy frequently. And so you take frequent hair wash. Washing your hair frequently damages your hair. The best way to fight this is to try different hairstyles-buns and ponytails most preferably. Jazzing up your hairstyle makes you look pretty and does a great job of preventing summer hair damage.

Level Up With Masks

Your skin and hair are exposed to a lot during the summer season. Using your normal skincare and haircare routine would not just make the cut to add life to your skin and hair. You need to pamper them good. And what better than some face masks and hair masks to do that! There are all kinds of masks available in the market today. What's more? You can easily whip up a DIY face and hair masks at home that add to your beauty and charm.

Use Waterproof Products

Make-up melting is a common issue during summers. Keeping the weather in mind, it is probably the best idea to get waterproof make-up products. This way you won't have to worry about your mascara smudging or your base coming off and ruining your look.

Keep Your Make-up Light

Oh, the joy! Summer is the season of all things bright and beautiful. The colourful splattered all around us make us want to rejoice in them and doll up. But, giving in to your desires might not be such a great idea. The high temperature of summer does not sit right with a heavy face of make-up. The constant need to touch up the make-up can be a real pain. The best way is to keep your make-up light and bright. The minimalist make-up look is the right amount of bling that you need this summer.

Keep Compact Powder Handy

Talking about touching up, keeping a compact powder in your bag is better than carrying around tons of make-up products. Whether you are outside or at your workplace, you can not ditch the mess summers make. Whenever you feel the need to touch up your make-up, just dab the compact powder all over your face and refresh your look. To make touching up more effective, get a compact that has SPF in it. You can touch up your make-up and sunscreen at once.

Blotting Paper, Oh Yeah!

We understand the dilemma of those with oily skin. No matter how many precautions you take, you just can't seem to stop the shiny face. There is a simple trick to beat the shine- blotting paper. Keep a few blotting papers with you. As you go through day, when you feel your face is becoming shiny, just blot the oil away. You will instantly feel refreshed.

Use Cream Products

Cakey make-up is not flattering. Considering the hot weather, there are high chances of your make-up being cakey during the summers, especially those with dry skin. Stick to cream products to prevent your make-up from becoming cakey. The cream products will melt into your skin and your make-up will come out natural.

Keep A Deodorant Miniature

We sweat a lot during the summers, especially while in transit. And that means there are high chances that we will face the issue of body odour. It can be embarrassing when you meet people and you are worried the entire time how you smell. This is what travel-size deodorants and perfumes are for. These miniatures version of your favourite fragrance can come in handy during summers. Pop a miniature fragrance in your bag and whenever you feel the need spray a few pumps to smell nice and refresh yourself.

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