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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Trending news Russia

No virus, no money

Why did the residents of Vladikavkaz rally at the government house

In Vladikavkaz, the rally continues, which began today at noon. About one and a half thousand people take part in it. The protesters have two main requirements for the authorities of North Ossetia: the release from custody of the former opera singer, now a well-known civic activist in the republic, Vadim Cheldiev, who was detained a few days earlier, and the answer to the question of how to survive during quarantine.

Initially, the initiative of the rally belonged to Vadim Cheldiev, who is known as an implacable adherent of the revival of the USSR, as well as his emotional streams on Instagram. In addition, doctors working in the “dirty” areas of hospitals where patients infected with coronavirus are widely exposed in Cheldiev’s chats. They are called traitors who "for the sake of money deceive the people."

The decision to hold the rally was made about three weeks ago, when several people in a chat room at Cheldiev announced that they did not believe in the coronavirus pandemic and considered it a world conspiracy against the “working people”. Right after that, Vadim Cheldiev recorded an audio message with the words

“Brothers, we are going to April 20. *** ( let him leave - VZ ) government *** ( let him leave - VZ ) Styr Nykhas "( Public Organization elders North Ossetia ). Everything, *** to them! ” ( they came to an end - V.Z. )

It should be noted that Vadim Cheldiev himself lives in St. Petersburg and was not going to come to a rally in his native republic.

In North Ossetia, talk of a “world conspiracy against” the people and a “fake pandemic” overlaps with the really difficult economic situation that people have faced. After the first week of self-isolation, a significant number of small entrepreneurs in the republic were on the verge of ruin, while the population had practically no savings, and they had nowhere to take money to feed their families. Most likely, it was this factor that turned out to be decisive so that so many people would gather in the center of Vladikavkaz today. Their "leader" Cheldiev failed to support the protesters even virtually. Three days ago, in St. Petersburg, the police detained him, accusing him of disseminating knowingly false information that could lead to danger to the life and health of citizens. During the transfer to Vladikavkaz, the singer, according to the police,

That is why the crowd that came out today in Vladikavkaz first demanded the release of Vadim Cheldiev.

In addition, there were calls for overthrowing the government, opening schools, and ending the regime of self-isolation. Largely because of this conversation with the head of the republic, Vyacheslav Bitarov, who went to the protesters, it did not work out. He was simply not allowed to speak. The same thing happened with other Ossetian officials who tried to convince people to disperse, including State Duma deputy Artur Taymazov.

In the end, officials persuaded the crowd to form an initiative group to talk with the head of the republic. People really talked to him in his office. According to them, the main topics of the conversation were the release of Vadim Cheldiev and economic assistance to those who were in a difficult position due to the regime of self-isolation.

True, when those who came out spoke about this crowd, some of the protesters booed them.

Passion somewhat slept, but people still do not differ. Throughout the day, the police behaved extremely correctly and, despite the large number of special forces soldiers around the perimeter of the Government House, large skirmishes were avoided.

That is why the crowd that came out today in Vladikavkaz first demanded the release of Vadim Cheldiev.

In addition, there were calls for overthrowing the government, opening schools, and ending the regime of self-isolation. Largely because of this conversation with the head of the republic, Vyacheslav Bitarov, who went to the protesters, it did not work out. He was simply not allowed to speak. The same thing happened with other Ossetian officials who tried to convince people to disperse, including State Duma deputy Artur Taymazov.

In the end, officials persuaded the crowd to form an initiative group to talk with the head of the republic. People really talked to him in his office. According to them, the main topics of the conversation were the release of Vadim Cheldiev and economic assistance to those who were in a difficult position due to the regime of self-isolation.

True, when those who came out spoke about this crowd, some of the protesters booed them.

Passion somewhat slept, but people still do not differ. Throughout the day, the police behaved extremely correctly and, despite the large number of special forces soldiers around the perimeter of the Government House, large skirmishes were avoided.

What is happening today in Vladikavkaz is largely triggered by the illogical actions of the regional authorities, which, after the first week of self-isolation, unexpectedly and sharply eased restrictive measures (by launching public transport and opening beauty salons and hairdressers), which made the inhabitants of North Ossetia believe that nothing was wrong. And when the authorities reported the first cases of coronavirus infection in the republic, very many simply did not believe in their existence

and demanded "provide passport data of the sick."

It even reached the requirement to send a “public check” to the “dirty zone” of the clinical hospital, where the virus-infected people are now lying.

The main danger after such a “civil demarche” in North Ossetia remains that after a mass rally a major outbreak of coronavirus is possible. The head of the Rospotrebnadzor of North Ossetia Alan Tibilov has already called such behavior of people "disaster." The situation with COVID-19 in the republic is quite complicated. There are already large-scale outbreaks in several Vladikavkaz and regional hospitals. Today, the number of infected is 177 people. But the problem is that there are a lot of doctors among the sick, so in a couple of weeks there may be such a situation that there will simply be no one to treat people.

Around 18:00 Moscow time, clashes between citizens and police resumed. Stones flew towards the siloviki. Special forces cleared the area in front of the government house, but people do not disperse.


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