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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Trending News Italy

Conte alle Camere: "The tracking app will be downloadable on a voluntary basis"

Conte alle Camere: "The tracking app will be downloadable on a voluntary basis"

The Prime Minister during the information in Parliament: "In phase 2 we will continue to use masks". Then on the reopening: "They will be homogeneous and on a national basis"

I am aware of the need to involve Parliament on Coronavirus." Thus began, at 15 (and then at 17.30 in the Chamber), his information to the Senate the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte . "The government is aware of the need to strengthen prevention systems - continued Conte - and the buffer is the only certain tool for identifying the virus".

The premier explained that the government aims to "strengthen the strategy of mapping existing contacts and remote assistance with the use of new technologies". Basically, to track who has already had Coronavirus, the "Immune" app, which has been discussed in these days, will be used. "Tracking - explained Conte - is necessary to avoid the spread of the virus. But its use will be on a voluntary basis and there will be no limitations for those who do not download it". The Prime Minister resolved the doubts that arose after the morning's statements by the extraordinary commissioner Domenico Arcuri who then spoke of the voluntary nature of installing Immuni on smartphones.

Coronavirus, Conte: "No movement restrictions for anyone who does not download the Immuni app"

The use of masks
In phase 2, the premier reiterated that social distancing must continue to be respected and "widespread use of personal protective equipment will be promoted until therapy or vaccine is available".

As long as they are not there, you will have to use masks. But, says the premier, "There will be changes on social distancing."
Coronavirus, Conte: "Masks and distances until there is no vaccine"

Phase 2
In his information to the Senate, the Prime Minister addressed the issue of reopening and the end of isolation at home for Italian citizens. "We must proceed with a relaxation of the measures - he said - and in this way we can preserve the productive fabric. The country's engine must start again, but we need an articulated plan". In fact, in case of accelerations on the beginning of phase 2, the risk is of a resurgence of the contagions from Covid-19. "The imprudence at this stage can compromise the sacrifices made so far" 
But how will the reopenings take place? First the regions least affected by the virus and then the others? "Homogeneous openings are planned on a national basis", explains the premier. All at the same time, then.
Coronavirus, Conte: "Restart the country's engine in a progressive and orderly way"

The economic crisis
The closure of the workplace and forced isolation have created a crisis situation. The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, stressed this by saying that "the emergency affects the most fragile groups and the interventions planned so far are not enough. There is the risk of creating new poverty". For this reason, "economic interventions must be more incisive". 
The government is therefore preparing for new appropriations for economic support for families and businesses. A new law decree, this time with an injection of 50 billion euros. "The government will send a further report to Parliament very soon with a request for budgetary deviation - said Conte - of € 50 billion, with a total intervention which, adding the previous 25 billion,

Then, during the information to the Chamber, with respect to the redundancy fund, he said: "I take the liberty of urging the Regions that have not sent the flows of requests, to send them as soon as possible otherwise we will not be able to pay the redundancy fund".

Coronavirus, Conte: "We will ask for a budget deviation of not less than 50 billion"

The Mes
It is inevitable, for President Conte, not to address the issue of European measures to support the crisis caused by the pandemic in the Senate. "The European Union and the Eurozone cannot afford to repeat the mistakes made in the 2008 financial crisis when a common response could not be given," said Conte. "It is a risk - he continued - that we cannot afford to run because failure to produce an adequate and courageous response would cause serious damage to the European project itself". 
Then, on MES (the so-called State-saving Fund): "Refusing the credit line it offers would be wrong to other countries, but Italy needs something else. MES criteria are unacceptable due to the nature of this crisis" .

Words that have eased the mood of the opposition, with representatives of the parties who protested, both in the Senate and in the Chamber, with screams against the words of the Prime Minister, forced to interrupt his information for a few minutes. 
Then, Conte's announcement: "There are eight other countries in the European Union willing to take new economic support measures. We will not accept a downward compromise." We need to build an Economic Recovery Fund to tackle the crisis. "
A measure that "must comply with the treaties because we do not have time to modify them. It must be managed at European level without bilateral character, it must be much more consistent than the current instruments, aimed at facing all the social and economic consequences, immediately available and if it will falling within the multiannual financial framework must be made available immediately through guarantees that anticipate its application, "said Conte

Words that bring the government closer to President Macron's line. "We are available to support France's proposal on bonds, having asked to integrate it in order to respond more punctually to the requirements that we believe are essential. Finally, a Spanish proposal was presented which, however, but with some suggestions for variation, we could support for the its compliance with our purposes ". 

The prime minister then explained what the Italian proposal is to the EU, even if it has not yet been presented officially. The idea of ​​the head of government is that of a solidarity fund managed by the EU commission with the implicit guarantee of the European budget, but including guarantees from municipalities in all the Member States. Guarantees which, in the Italian proposal, are defined as "

Before any EU support measure, before being accepted, Conte assured, "to go to Parliament, which will have the last word".


Best wishes to Queen Elizabeth II, she turns 94 today

At only twenty-six she was crowned in Westminster Abbey. 115 years after the coronation of Queen Victoria, a woman returned to ascend the throne of Great Britain

Best wishes to Queen Elizabeth II, she turns 94 today

Ninety-four years ago the protagonist of an intense era in the history of the United Kingdom was born in London. When returning from Kenya, recalled home from the death of her father, the British began to know their Queen, they were enchanted by her beauty, her youth, the royalty of her bearing and the simplicity of her gestures.

His life began on April 21, 1926 at no. 17 of Bruton Street, in the London borough of Mayfair, a central area so called for the ancient Fair which has been held here since 1686 in the months of May. At only twenty-six she was crowned in Westminster Abbey. 115 years after the coronation of Queen Victoria, a woman returned to ascend the throne of Great Britain, with a name, Elizabeth, brought first by the famous daughter of Henry VIII, who had reigned about four centuries earlier.

After only eight months she was left alone with her nannies, because the young Duchess of York, forced by imperial duties, left for a state trip to Australia and New Zealand: six months for a 50,000 km sea crossing. They left Portsmouth on January 6, 1927 greeted by the king and queen at Victoria Station. "I felt great displeasure at the start," the queen will write to her mother. "Elizabeth was so sweet when she played with the buttons of the uniform of" Bertie "that moved me."

Nicknamed "Lilibeth", the young princess was educated at home under the supervision of her mother. He loved dogs and horses. The then Chancellor of the Exchequer, Winston Churchill, described it when he was two years old: "What character ... he has an air of authority and amazing reflexivity for a little girl". The royal family had decided that Elizabeth should not have been raised in luxury, her kit was hand-made with quality materials and personally embroidered by her grandmothers and her mother. Of precious, from an early age, she wore a necklace donated by her grandfather, who gave her two pearls every birthday, and a silver bracelet, a gift from her parents.

The princess studied mathematics, geography and history, some modern languages ​​were taught including French, which she will be able to use in her visits to Canada and France. He took lessons in dance, song, art and there was no shortage of entertainment: from instructive visits to the Royal Mint, the Tower of London or the Greenwich Observatory, to swimming lessons in the pool, to tube or bus trips to London, recreations in the Hamilton Gardens of the City of Westminster. Many afternoons dedicated to reading.

Marion Crawford, the housekeeper, whom Margaret, her sister, nicknamed "Crawfie" and who remained in the palace until the eve of Elizabeth's wedding with Philip, was the one who took care of her days full time. «Lilibeth was very tidy, she had a strong self-control, even if she had a stronger personality than her sister Margaret. He spent his hours playing with her happily and with great joy, "Crawford wrote years later in the book The Little Princesses, the account of her days spent with them.

It was a publication that in 1950 allowed her to earn 85,000 but cost her the ban from the royal family. The book was widely sold, both in the United Kingdom and in the United States, but the reaction of Queen Elizabeth furious: «We can only think that the last and most trusted of our rulers, went crazy. He had promised in writing that he would never publish anything. " None of the royals would speak to her anymore and when her days ended at Hawkhill House, an Aberdeen nursing home, there was no funeral wreath on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Mother or Princess Margaret.


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